Manovale Sonoro

Manovale Sonoro

His real name is Francesco De Giorgio he is 24 years old and from Italy. Manovale Sonoro lives in Tuscany, exactly in Pisa. He started doing music for videogames and demos, with a commodore 64, then he passed to pc and bought his first audio card...and now, since 2004 he works for bliss corporation (Eiffel65, Gabry Ponte, Roberto Molinaro, Stefy NRG, Mishnah, etc.) 

He released many records and many remixes with them. At the moment his working on his new single, called "Falling down". The new single will be released in 7 versions, from Dance to Electro.

Currently he works as DJ in Pisa and as "Freelancer" everywhere in clubs around italy.

Discography: Discogs
