DJ Son1c

DJ Son1c

Dj Son1c born on December 1, 1984, is currently reside in Coruña. He has always been a great lover of music in general, until all by the end of 90 years began his interest in dance music, why? Just listen to root productions as several artists, Gigi D'Agostino, Gabry Ponte, Prezioso ... And the general dance that great time!

Since the beginning of 2000 Begins interesting facet of the DJ, making his first recordings of meetings it is decided to send different radii of their city. As DJ gives his leap at the end of 2003 in several local Coruña. The year 2004 represents his debut on radio, working in the "Local Dance" (Local Wave Coruña) collaboration and playing sound dance and offering their first meetings and recommendations.

In May 2005 received its first invitation to click as a DJ at one of the most famous halls of Santiago de Compostela, Disco Apollo, sharing cartel which is one of the great Discjockeys and broadcasters from Galicia, Mark Magan. In August 2005 represents his debut in one of the most important clubs in A Coruna, Albatros "By Yellow House" At this club to share with large poster Discjockeys and producers nationally and globally of the stature of Jesse Garcia, Luis Lopez, Carlos Gallardo and Paco Pil among others. In late summer 2005 begins his way to carry out his own radio program from one of the most mythical onlines radios, a program which focused 90% in the sound dance.

In early 2006 began a collaboration with a program called "Dance Deluxe" Cuac FM 103.4. A program where he was responsible for presenting the news dance. By March 2006 now provide another collaboration on this occasion in a mythical leader Pontevedra radio program called "Conexiondance."

In the summer of 2006 began a new radio project, a project called "Dance Party" from one of the best known broadcasters onlines, Madness FM. A program where you may have defined himself by creating a project 100% and dance collaborations with several artists dance.

In mid-summer 2006 just their stage into a disco Albatros "By Yellow House" going to reside in the Disco Pub "High Tension in the area Orders (A Coruña). After all this for the month of October 2006 began a new phase in one of the clubs most mythical of A Coruna, Disco "Bambina", where until January 2007.

In December 2006 he began a journey with their project "Dance Party" from one of the best known radio stations in A Coruña, Cuac FM 103.4.

Today you can see every Saturday night on Disco Tattoo (A Estrada - Pontevedra). Beyond what you can hear on Thursday Cuac FM, 103.4, La Coruña, 19h to 20h, and also every Friday from 18h to 20h from Santiago Loca FM, 102.5.

Dj Son1c currently has two singles: "Fall In Love" came out in mid-2007 and its new single called, "A Festa Non Vai Parar" the two issues with his singer "Isis."

Discography: Discogs

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