Yay, here's some presets for vanguard, to make some powerfull bass.
I copied a lot of bass from the big producers... enjoy
Download : http://www.speedyshare.com/files/24010456/italoBass.rar
Yay, here's some presets for vanguard, to make some powerfull bass.
I copied a lot of bass from the big producers... enjoy
Download : http://www.speedyshare.com/files/24010456/italoBass.rar
Got it but for some other vst, here's i only made some for vanguard so it could be easier..
A little.. still sounds a bit weird though.
There is somehow to putthose bass into fl studio?
Well yeah, you just need to install the Vanguard VST, load Vanguard in fl studio and load the presets
Thank you man, are pretty nice, you found the right formula to make it, how many times did you practice? before you found it... i'm were trying but i don't got results.... i tought that, those type of basses were made with another VST.
Well it took me some time, but in the end it's not that complicated...! just gotta learn how a vst work, and just try over and over with severals vst, trying to find the right sound
nice presets,I already get them on other from :Pthanks
Now you just need to make the djROSS - Dreamland bass
Yeah will try that one day, but for the moment, only got the one from Emotion
thanks for this
File not found
me to i copy mantero bass and underfish Bass :
Link :
Link :
can anyone reupload this bass thank you
Re Upload please
Please Re-Up cause i need that to revive Italo-dance in Slovenia
Quite some variations

You just need to make Promiseland bass
Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114
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