Real name?
Gianluca Celay
When and why did you begin to produce music?
6 years ago to teach my classes italian (since i'm a Latin teacher)
What music styles are you listening to other than what you produce?
I like listen to classic music when I have some time, it's very realxing and peaceful !
Who is/are you favorite artist(s)?
What do you think is the future for Italo Dance music?
I think it will grow into that whole globalization process surrounding us! except the ones with Latin language, the Mother language, the Queen of all languages
What do you like to do on your spare time?
aah I have to correct tons of copies from my students (200 in Latin and 200 in italian every month!), but sometimes I like to go party in clubs !
What are your plans for the future? style, project etc.
Well, commercial dance is coming back so we're working on new songs and i would really like to talk about Asterix and Obelix fighting the romans !
What news can you reveal for us about your future productions?
The upcoming songs will be about Stars, skies, astrology and alchemy !, MAY THE GODS OF PARNASSUS, HELP US !
A presto
Professor Kronos !
HAHAHA I really enjoyed talking with Kronos
He's very nice and crazy