Real Name:
27 (Born: 20.3.1980)
When did you begin to produce music?
I loved music as far back as I can remeber. I always dreamed to became a singer, but back than for me this was so far out of reach that it was almost unimaginable.
My first contact with computer music creation was back in 1995 when I first saw ATARI ST 1040 in our school teachers band. I was so excited because that day I realised that my dreams could come true – that is – to produce and sing my own songs.
The same year I somehow managed to save enough money and buy this computer. I still have a thousands of melodies and songs from that times on ATARI floppy discs covered with dust somewhere. That's how it all started and since than nights have never been the same. =)
In some way I'm proud that I can say »I know how hard it can be to be an old school ATARI producer...« although at that time I didn't make any recognizable songs. Everything I did was just hits for my friends =) I somehow knew that all is going to build up to something one day. I didn't know when that day is going to come until I started to cooperate with my friend David at the beginning of the new millenium. The rest is history.
What music styles are you listenig to other than you produce?
I can listen to all types of music from classics to techno, except those hard rock genres although I play a guitar. Don't worry, it is broken =). I'm a huge fan of italo disco production from 80's. I'm listening to old Italo disco compilations over and over again. My favourite song at this moment is »KANO – Queen of witches«. I think listening to that songs creates a lot of positive emotions wich I think it's hard to find in todays music... I also love music from old computer games! =) Koji Kondo is tha man!
Who is/are your favourite artists?
In dance genre I have huge respect for DJ ROSS. Other than that I also admire LIGHTHOUSE FAMILY, ROXETTE, MICHAEL BUBBLE, DJ BOBO, SCOOTER,... like I said diferent types of music – it depends of the mood that I'm in. =) Even a compilation of Nintendos soundtrack »The Legend of Zelda« can be found playing in my car's CD player.. =) btw: That is Koji Kondos work!
What do you think is the future of Italo Dance music?
I think these are not the best times that Italo Dance has seen. But as long as there will be such Italo dance lovers like me – it has a future. =) We've seen Italo dance raising form dust many times before so I think that there is no question about if – only when this will happen. (Hope I'm not going to be the lonely rider =))
What do you like to do on your spare time?
Beside music production I also work at radiostation network as Dj and as a voice talent, I produce comercials in my home studio and from time to time I also work in clubs as MC.
So as you can see I don't have much spare time, but when I do I like to watch movies, go on jogging, listen to the music or play videogames. =)
I think spare time is very important, without it I couldn't be creative and focused on what I do.
But even in spare time I sometimes fall in my world of music where the most of my ideas are born...
What are your plans for the future? Style, projects?
I have a lot of plans for the future and i'm looking forward to it. =) I currently work on upgrading my style with new sounds and trends. I spend a lot of time experimenting and connecting different music genres with dance music. (Even unheard ones... =)) Offcourse you'll be the first to know if something catchy comes out from our dance laboratory. =)
What news can you reveal to us about your future productions?
I already have a couple of new songs ready to be launched wich are in final stage of production and also a new international cooperation which I hope you'll soon be hearing about. =)
Other than that we also have hands full of work with production of remixes for our home market.
What gear is to be found in your studio?
First - David once told me - your head is very important part! =)=) Right beside me on my right is always my 1st. Lt Access VirusTI and on the left 2nd Lt. Yamaha CS2X. Everything comes together on PC with YAMAHA DSP Factory / SW 1000 XG and Cubase SX with a lot of goodies in it. =)
In final stages of production we also use TC Poco and UAD platforms to get the right flavour. (The man on the job – 3rd Lt David) For vocals we use Rode and AKG microphones combined with SPL's preamps. For monitoring we use Alesis and Dynaudio monitors. Did I mention tons of cables? =) All in all typical basement production enviorment.. =)
Biography will be added to site in the next days.