nice story!!
How did you discover ItaloDance?
I began to listen to italodance music in 1999 when I was in high school... after my first year I was waiting to go in a british college to improve my english speech for the summer. The day before my departure, my mother gave me a tape and said to me: "I bought you this one so you'll enjoy your trip!", that tape was the HIT MANIA DANCE ESTATE '99.
I could never stop the Walkman, and when I came back in Italy I discovered Discoradio, a local FM radio station that broadcasted only italodance music, and it became my one and only radio channel until, in 2006, the fashion of commercial house music at last hitted Discoradio too.
nice story froggy which tracks were on that one ?
1 TELL ME WHY - Prezioso feat Marvin
2 VAMOS A LA PLAYA - Miranda
3 BLUE (DA BA DEE) - Eiffel 65
4 THE RIDDLE - Gigi D'Agostino
6 OOH MY BABY - Bibi Schon
8 THE GAME - Neja
10 CRAZY PARTY - Captain Hook
11 LIES - Karen Ramirez
12 WHERE IS THE LOVE - Kamasutra
13 SUNSHINE & HAPPYNESS - Nerio's Dubwork meets Darryl Pandy
14 GET GET DOWN - Paul Johnson
15 OH YEA BABY - J.B. Sound
16 ALLA CONSOLLE - Mimmo Amerelli
17 MIRANDO EL MAR - The Soundlovers
18 BAILAMOS (ITALODANCE RMX) - Enrique Iglesias
Simply fantastic
thats quite a tracklist , first 4 tracks were also big hits in Denmark
btw , your story gets more epic awesomely nostalgic because of the casette-tape and walkman instead of digital download and stuff
That is indeed a great story and a great tracklist!
Nice! Really nice!
I love these stories... ...some say it's bad to be stuck in time, but I would love to repeat those years over and over
I became a fan when Eiffel65 and Gigi D'Agostino had their first hits here. I got more and more into this topic... Well I don't know in which year this all has happened, but I think it's a long time ago. I was quite young I think 13 or 14 years old, but I loved it so much and danced around in my room haha*
Same story as some others here hehe.
Welcome to IDP naddi by the way
Welcome to IDP! Have fun around the site
L'amour Toujours from the boss Gigi was my first Nu Italo song...
...well and Blue from Eifel65, the best italo songs ever by the way...
Then came Prezioso,Gabry Ponte (love you Gabry), Molella, DanyJay...until today
Italo dance is the one and only because combine romantic melodic notes and good rythmic base... represents a little bit of 80's for me and maybe for the current times is the sucessor of eurodance/eurobeat from 90's
I totally agree on this point!
Welcome to IDP!
I've listened to general "electonica" for as long I can remember.
In the early years is was mostly trance, like Dj Satomi, Dj Splash and all of them.
Eventually I found new sub-genres, like happy hardcore, house and such.
My first ItaloDance-experience must have been at this youth-club in my town. It some Gigi D'Agostin, like BlaBlaBla, Ripassa etc.
From then, I've listened to ALOT of different genres, dubstep, hardcore, hardstyle and so on. But in all this mess of genres, I've allways come back to listen to ItaloDance, Gigi.
He is a genious, I've listened to his music for about 7 years straight, and still haven't gotten tired of it. It still give me the nice feeling inside.
True italo spirit
* Hhaahaha, I wanted to answer from some years ago; I'll try to write shortly, LoL:*
CHRONOLOGY: It all started in my childhood during the middle of the 90s; until that moment I used to listen only my father's favorite music, Hhaahaha... but suddenly, my older brother started to listen to Eurodance (you know, Technotronic, Two Unlimited, Dr. Alban and others). In Latin America, that style of music was wrongly known (and is still known by many people) as "Techno".
Anyway, that was the first contact that I had with dance music, and I was as crazy when listening to songs like the Mortal Kombat theme, hahahah. After that, in the late 90s, came the "Dark Pop ages" for me, hahahah, only Vengaboys was the only dance music that I used to listen to by that time.
- Well, after the fake Y2K End Of the World fake stuff in 2000 I was still listening to pop, when suddenly, I listen to a song that shocked me (as many of you). That song was "I'm Blue Da Ba Dee" by Eiffel 65... and I was like "what a cool song and videoclip, maaaaaan!" . but It was only the beginning...
I remember that in the middle of that year, after watching Japanese cartoons, I went to listen to the radio when they played "Tell me Why" and for me was the most exciting song that I've ever heard!!! I even fell over the bed and said "WOOOOW" what was that??!! hahahah. but I didn't hear that song again until 2 years later...
- Talking about that, in 2002, I was almost resigned to listen to that song again when the radio played that song again!! after hearing it, I immediately called the radio and ask for the name of that band and they told me "HE is called "Prezioso" and I was like "WHAT DA HECK?" this guy is drunk! (I didn't believe it 'cause it sounds in Spanish like "Precious" and it was impossible for me that I guy were named like that
- Well, almost in the middle of the 2000's, I was listening to the radio and I heard "Another Way by Gigi Dag (also so great to me when I heard it for the first time). I recorded it in a tape but I also wanted to know the name so I called the radio but another Dj told me that he was called "Dj D'Agostino" and his style was "Techno". I didn't believe it so I asked another Dj and told me his style was "Dream House". At time I used to call "Dream House" to "Italodance 2000" because of that guy, hahahaha. Then a friend told me Gigi's real name some weeks later.
By that time, Internet Café had become very popular and with that new tool some friends taught me how to download ilegally (at that moment I didn't know it wasn't right until I read it on IDP, HEHEHE) and the first song that I ever downloaded was "Children" by Robert Miles (After a rough search, I also discovered that "Precious" was actually "Prezioso").
Ok, before you fall asleep, hahah, I conclude with this:
In 2006 I was searching for music similar to Gigi's (Dream House for me until that time) until finally I found a Spanish webpage where they had some samples and it said "Italo Dance per Sempre"; I downloaded it and after listening to it, I said "YEAAH, so similar to Gigi's style!!". Then, I discovered IDN, IDP and Youtube!
- In the late 2000s, I found out a badass new sub-gender called "Lento Violento" and the story continues until today).
- So, since the early 2010s, I don't download Italodance music ilegally anymore thanks to IDN, Italo Sound Radio, other radios and Youtube )
Sorry if my story was long but when I talk about Italodance, I've got to talk about my life too; let's see what the future brings
Wonderfol story Italoco
I guess many of us started downloading the music illegally, luckily we have radios, streaming and legal download services today.
- and your story is not long at all, I look forward to part 2 haha
Great story, Italoco!
Hheehehe, thanks guy!!
I think the second part will be "Italoco: The Producer" HAHAHAHAHAH
i discovered it only last year, when Gigi came to a disco near where i live and i was fascinated by his music! since then i started listening to italodance, specifically lento violento ( dj maxwell is my favourite one, and he even lives not so far from me )
i discovered it only last year, when Gigi came to a disco near where i live and i was fascinated by his music! since then i started listening to italodance, specifically lento violento ( dj maxwell is my favourite one, and he even lives not so far from me )
Wow, cool ...you have a lot to discover hehe
yes that's true, i'm only at the beginning i'm going to listen Gigi next week too
I thought I wanted to share my story too:
It all began around 2001, maybe a little earlier or later, but back then most of us didn't know about the italodance genre, but we all knew the dance/hard dance/trance scene with groups and artists such as "666", "Alice Deejay", "Andre Visior", "Barcode Brothers", "Barthezz", "CS Jay", "Dance Nation", "Das Saint", "DJ Aligator", "DJ Taylor", "Hammer House", "Kate Ryan", "Lasgo", "Mental Theo", "Paffendorf", "Safri Duo", "XPY", "4 Clubbers", "89'ers", "Brooklyn Bounce", "D-Devils", "Dickheadz", "DJ Rad", "Groove Coverage", "M.A.D.R.A.S.", "Mark 'Oh", "Neo Cortex", "Sash", "Special D.", "Starsplash", "Warp Brothers" and many, many more.
With these amazing producers in mind I wanted to expan my horizon a little further and one group comes to mind that will later define some italodance for many fans, and it was "Eiffel 65", but at the time I still didn't know it was called Italodance. Everybody loved "Blue", "Move Your Body" and "Too Much Of Heaven", but the song that did it for me was "Cosa Restera" - remember standing in our classroom with some of my classmates playing that song very loudly on our ghettoblaster back in 2002 with the girls trying to turn down the volume.
But the one who made me aware of the genre we love so much is..... "Gigi D'Agostino"!
Also back in 2001 I don't remember any boy who didn't use Napster, Kazaa or Bearshare to get the newest music and from there all you had to do was typing the name of the song or artist and a bunchload of different songs would show up. "Bacco E Abbracci", "Bla Bla Bla", "Carillon", "Hymn", "Onene" and "Ripassa" made me look at all music in general very different than before. These monotonously and very well produced songs with italodance characterful elements made me love it.
In the same timeperiod "Gabry Ponte", "3 Nacria", "Banditozz", "Bastino", "Brothers", "Bee And Gee", "Bon Tino", "Blue Venice", "Dancefire", "Danijay", "DJ Bum Bum", "DJ Maraach", "DJ Sanny J.", "DJ Satomi", "Earphones", "Eddy Wata", "Emi", "Fantasy Project", "Floorfilla", "Grupo Mamey", "Haiducii", "Hard In Tango", "Kando DJ", "Karisma", "DJ Lhasa", "Maggie", "Mantero", "Mathea", "Molella", "Pop Lovers", "Promise Land", "Roby Rossini", "Small Town Boys", "Stefy NRG", "Ultraritmo", "Underfish", "Wem-J feat. Francy" also blew my mind with classic italo, old undiscovered masterpieces and big international hits.
Whos doesn't remember the timeless monsterhits such as: "Gabry Ponte - Time To Rock", "3 Nacria - Waiting 4 The Sun", "Banditozz - Uno Due Tre", "Bastino - Serenade", "Blue Venice - Yes, I Love You", "Dancefire - Star", "Danijay - Ill Gioco Dell'Amore" (TOO many to mention!!!), "DJ Sanny J. - Pensami Anche Tu", "Eddy Wata - Jam", "Floorfilla - Anthem #SERIES", "Hard In Tango - This Is My DJ", "Karisma - Superman", "DJ Lhasa - Giulia", "Promise Land - Voulez Vous Dancer", "Pop Lovers - Not A Love Song", "Molella - Sunshine", "Small Town Boys - Nostalgia Di Te", "Ultraritmo - Perfecta" and "Underfish - Una Voce Che".
With everyone of these songs mentioned, sorry for the ones I might forget, the one and only song that made me love italodance the best is... "Brothers - Sexy Girl (Best DJ Version)"!
My oldschool favourite groups might be strange for some, but "Brothers", "Small Town Boys", "Danijay" and "Promise Land" made a big influence on my early and middle youth. Today it is "Dance Rocker", "The Arcane Charmers", "R.A.G. DJ", "DJ JPedroza", "Domasi", "Bietto", "Mr.FrankJ", "Glaukor" and "DJ Store".
Great story chrdb5! I think Eiffel 65 or Gigi D'Agostino started it for many of us, my own story is actually kinda similar to yours (except for the girls turning the volume down-part )
As a side note "Onene" is not actaully made by Gigi, it's a mistake that goes all the way back to the Kazaa-days, where someone named it incorrectly before sharing it, the original title is "Oh ne ne" by Rumble!
I thought I wanted to share my story too:
It all began around 2001, maybe a little earlier or later, but back then most of us didn't know about the italodance genre, but we all knew the dance/hard dance/trance scene with groups and artists such as "666", "Alice Deejay", "Andre Visior", "Barcode Brothers", "Barthezz", "CS Jay", "Dance Nation", "Das Saint", "DJ Aligator", "DJ Taylor", "Hammer House", "Kate Ryan", "Lasgo", "Mental Theo", "Paffendorf", "Safri Duo", "XPY", "4 Clubbers", "89'ers", "Brooklyn Bounce", "D-Devils", "Dickheadz", "DJ Rad", "Groove Coverage", "M.A.D.R.A.S.", "Mark 'Oh", "Neo Cortex", "Sash", "Special D.", "Starsplash", "Warp Brothers" and many, many more.
With these amazing producers in mind I wanted to expan my horizon a little further and one group comes to mind that will later define some italodance for many fans, and it was "Eiffel 65", but at the time I still didn't know it was called Italodance. Everybody loved "Blue", "Move Your Body" and "Too Much Of Heaven", but the song that did it for me was "Cosa Restera" - remember standing in our classroom with some of my classmates playing that song very loudly on our ghettoblaster back in 2002 with the girls trying to turn down the volume.
But the one who made me aware of the genre we love so much is..... "Gigi D'Agostino"!
Also back in 2001 I don't remember any boy who didn't use Napster, Kazaa or Bearshare to get the newest music and from there all you had to do was typing the name of the song or artist and a bunchload of different songs would show up. "Bacco E Abbracci", "Bla Bla Bla", "Carillon", "Hymn", "Onene" and "Ripassa" made me look at all music in general very different than before. These monotonously and very well produced songs with italodance characterful elements made me love it.
In the same timeperiod "Gabry Ponte", "3 Nacria", "Banditozz", "Bastino", "Brothers", "Bee And Gee", "Bon Tino", "Blue Venice", "Dancefire", "Danijay", "DJ Bum Bum", "DJ Maraach", "DJ Sanny J.", "DJ Satomi", "Earphones", "Eddy Wata", "Emi", "Fantasy Project", "Floorfilla", "Grupo Mamey", "Haiducii", "Hard In Tango", "Kando DJ", "Karisma", "DJ Lhasa", "Maggie", "Mantero", "Mathea", "Molella", "Pop Lovers", "Promise Land", "Roby Rossini", "Small Town Boys", "Stefy NRG", "Ultraritmo", "Underfish", "Wem-J feat. Francy" also blew my mind with classic italo, old undiscovered masterpieces and big international hits.
Whos doesn't remember the timeless monsterhits such as: "Gabry Ponte - Time To Rock", "3 Nacria - Waiting 4 The Sun", "Banditozz - Uno Due Tre", "Bastino - Serenade", "Blue Venice - Yes, I Love You", "Dancefire - Star", "Danijay - Ill Gioco Dell'Amore" (TOO many to mention!!!), "DJ Sanny J. - Pensami Anche Tu", "Eddy Wata - Jam", "Floorfilla - Anthem #SERIES", "Hard In Tango - This Is My DJ", "Karisma - Superman", "DJ Lhasa - Giulia", "Promise Land - Voulez Vous Dancer", "Pop Lovers - Not A Love Song", "Molella - Sunshine", "Small Town Boys - Nostalgia Di Te", "Ultraritmo - Perfecta" and "Underfish - Una Voce Che".
With everyone of these songs mentioned, sorry for the ones I might forget, the one and only song that made me love italodance the best is... "Brothers - Sexy Girl (Best DJ Version)"!
My oldschool favourite groups might be strange for some, but "Brothers", "Small Town Boys", "Danijay" and "Promise Land" made a big influence on my early and middle youth. Today it is "Dance Rocker", "The Arcane Charmers", "R.A.G. DJ", "DJ JPedroza", "Domasi", "Bietto", "Mr.FrankJ", "Glaukor" and "DJ Store".
Awsome! ...can totally relate to it
Thanks guys!
The "Rumble - Oh Ne Ne" tune is new to me, but it's great.
Mine is called "Gigi D'Agostino - Onene (DJ RayTronic Remix)
Thanks guys!
The "Rumble - Oh Ne Ne" tune is new to me, but it's great.
Mine is called "Gigi D'Agostino - Onene (DJ RayTronic Remix)
Haha yeah that is definitely wrong.. should be Rumble! - Oh Ne Ne (DJ RayTronic Remix) then