
June 17th, 2023
Remember Riccardo Rossi & Raffaele Petriccione? If not you have some articles in our news sectio...
June 10th, 2023
DJ and Producer Fabrizio Buschiazzo most known as Gallesprod just released new EP "Alchemy vol.1" in...
June 8th, 2023
Finally out the new EP from the italodance project "GIOSTAR" inspired by the old vintage and magic i...


July 6th, 2006
When and why did you begin to produce music?In 1995 I started to like dance music, especially megamixes and the way of they manipulate songs.But was on 1999 with "Eiffel 65 - Blue" when I understand that dance songs have verse, melody.. well designed...
July 1st, 2006
When and why did you begin to produce music?At 17 I understood that will be my wayWhat music styles are you listening to other than what you produce?I listen all kind of music and I produce dance musicWho is/are you favorite artist(s)?Depeche ModeWha...


May 30th, 2015
Started by: abomin3v3l
May 30th, 2015
Started by: abomin3v3l
May 28th, 2015
Started by: Würden
This is the discussion topic belonging to: DJNico Vlp - Dark Dream.DJNico Vlp - Dark Dream Nicola...
May 4th, 2015
Started by: Italoco C.A.
Hey guys!! check it out:  So funny, hahahaha.


Magik Brothers
DJ Carmixer
Roberto Gallo Salsotto
Diego Milesi

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