Roby Rossini
Roby Rossini
Born on the 13 of july, under the cancer sign, he loves sport and when he's looking for some relax he always enjoys white Martini on the rocks. From the age of 12 to 20 he took part as a songwriter and singer in many important music contests.
1992: He started to perform as a vocalist and as a deejay. The next step in his career is the achievement as a videojockey and an anchorman on television, taking part in many tv-shows concearning the rome's nightlife.
2001: He builds up with his friend and musican Alex Leblanc his actual production team called "The Outright Music Team". So he started to produce music.
2003: Afer the release of some projects, in december he produced and published a cover-version of the famous song "Tanz Bambolina" from Alberto Camerini, in Italo-Dance sytle, remixed by Prezioso & Marvin. In Italy the song has become the number 1 at all the most important dance charts.
2004: In March he performed "Tanz Bambolina" during the "CD-Live Show" on the italian tv-channel "Rai 2". In June he released the song "Rendez-Vous".
2005: He released the song "Future Mind", together with Maverick as vocalist.