Two months after their first Decibel release Spaghetti Trip, aka Federico Romanzi and Mr. Dendo, released their second EP. This EP contains 6 tracks, 4 collaborations and 2 solo productions.
The album opens with Venere, a rather fast track at 125 bpm, where Dendo and Romanzi are adding a whole new dimension to their music. Disco Misto comes as a nice treat as it has been played by Gigi on Cammino's episodes. The full version has a riveting quality with its solid bass and kick. This track is followed by Febrology, another compelling production marked by its dissonant harmonics. Things are slowing way down with Oscurita, a track threaded throughout with ominous synth tones and industrial snippets. Oriente Dolente adds to the intensity, setting itself apart from the other tracks as being more melodic. Federico Romanzi’s production Inkas has been around for several years, giving the EP a well rounded finish.
What helps makes this album great, besides the variety of tracks, is the way Mr. Dendo and Federico Romanzi continue to follow their original incarnation. In a time where producers are trying new venues, Spaghetti Trip continues to provide us with productions that have been played for years but never been officially released. In addition, they have found a way to create something new by pulling from the past. As the story continues, we hopefully can look forward to future releases.
Type of media:Digital Release
Bought at:Junodownload
I too hope for follow ups - Venere is my favourite on this one
Vanni G original CD/Vinyl collection count: 114
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